Auston Wilkinson

Auston Wilkinson

web developer :: LA


Auston Wilkinson

Auston Wilkinson

Full Stack Web Developer

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular, React, Bootstrap, Materialize, SASS, Web Audio API, jQuery, AJAX


Node, Express, MongoDB, PostreSQL, Ruby, Rails,, Passport, Devise, JWTs, Searchkick, Geocoder, RESTful APIs, Git

About Me

Crafting an experience...

I am a Full Stack Web Developer with a focus on intuitive design. In every application I build, I aim to empower the user.

In my previous work, I've focused on crafting an experience that feels right. As a songwriter, there's a balance in creating comfort in the familiar and simultaneously excitement in something new - in making something incredibly personal and yet somehow universal.

Building quality applications requires this same focus on user experience - integrating the latest technologies while providing an interface that behaves as expected, and enabling customization while serving a cohesive, collective experience.

Web development is art - it can delight, empower, and transform the user. At every step of production, my focus is on crafting an experience through intuitive design.

My Projects